Thursday, 7 June 2012

Little seeds

A little late I know most of these seeds should have been in by April but I have planted them all the same and now I have the wait and the excitement of watching them grow. I am waiting with anticipation on my sweetcorn, french beans,chilli peppers,rocket,lettuce, tomatoes, squash, various herbs, cucumber, courgette and not forgetting baby corn too :)

I am really trying hard to be a little more self sufficient this year and get a more homemade home feel.  I really need to get some strawberry plants this weekend so I can make some lovely strawberry jam or at least pack the kids in the car and go strawberry picking.

A little project I am working on at the moment...

I am crocheting a billion (it seems) heart squares for a bed throw for my youngest daughter and I am almost certain when my oldest sees it she will want one too.

Anyway must get on with some housework as the children are on half term which = a very messy home :(

Love LBF x


  1. i hope you'll have a lovely bumper crop :)

    thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. i see your blog is new too, a warm welcome to blogland xx

    love the pussycats =^.^= ❤

  2. Thank you Catkin tales and what a lovely rainy day to blog x
