Friday, 29 June 2012

Sew Happy

Yesterday I had that happy feeling, you know the one when your box of material and ribbons arrive?! I placed an order 3 weeks ago!!! from here and oh my was it worth the wait.  The 100 % cotton was really well priced and much better then I expected. Oh the possibilities....


A school bag maybe?


                                   A cute kitchen curtain, a dress or a gypsy top for the summer?

                                   I love these kind of decisions :)

and I will certainly be ordering more of this fabric.

I thought this afternoon that I would be taking my deckchair to my youngest girls sports day today and doing my heart crochet blanket in the sunshine for my youngest daughter, whilst watching them - well the weather has other plans by the looks of it and instead of sunshine there is a black cloud coming over and it's getting quite windy so looks like I will be ditching the crochet and grabbing my raincoat :/ never mind this is England and we are used to such weather.

Have a lovely day LBF x

Monday, 25 June 2012

A crochet win

While England never made it due to penalties (again) I for one was a little sad as I was happily hooking away at my first crochet garland whilst watching the footie, oh well I am sure I will find another excuse to go to bed all snuggled up early to watch something else..... Olympics anyone?! not long is it now....

I won though with my garland and finished it by Friday night, searched around for pins and put up in the kitchen straight away.... It will only be here a while as this is just a temporary arrangement try out kind of garland as I have other plans and if the truth be told my plans do consist of new flooring, new kitchen,new house....ok that is dreams not plans so I will just make do with what I have for now and just keep trying to make the house more homely which is going to take some time but you know what this is quite fun blogging on the way and reading other blogs too.

I hope a good weekend was had by all it was a nice relaxing one here lots of cuddles with my little girls, lots of cleaning up after them though too, lots of moaning about my bank as I bank with Natwest and anyone in UK could not have failed to hear about the Natwest crisis...but glad that is all more or less sorted now too, you do not realise how much you rely on banking until it is swept from your feet in an instant.

I must stop looking at the above kitchen picture and thinking how much better would my kitchen units be white..... Oh dear I feel a paint brush moment coming on but I have two painting projects before the kitchen one is I must paint my girls wardrobe white and the second me and my son decided how the big shoe cupboard in the hallway would look lovely painted. I will put some before and after pics up of this very much needed all over the house transition on a budget.

Oh and this weekend's loo roll I am sure you have been awaiting to find out what we had this weekend ;)

Bye for now LBF x

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Sooo I had a clean out of my kitchen at the weekend just gone and although it looked cleaner it also seems to be lacking something, I went out the front garden and picked some roses and put them in a pot

but still it's not right so here I am garland hunting on the internet for ideas.  There are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many different garlands I am going with crochet ones and have found a few different ones I like and started on a flower one last night and fell asleep with my crochet needle in hand but am hoping to have garland up by the weekend and best I do because I seem to be getting a list of orders...oldest daughter wants two and one of the younger daughters has decided on a star one for her room and a few others have shown a big interest :)

Here is the start..

 and talking about starts I treated myself to something today after work..

I am going to start patchwork I remember years ago (MANY) doing hexagons with Laura Ashley fabric but things have come way on from those days and I am very much looking forward to making a patchwork quilt and am really trying not to run before I can walk with it but I doubt I will stay composed and will dive right in with a quilt and older daughter has put one of those on her list too.. Oh my.

Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine why it lasts as it will tip down tomorrow. LBF x

Friday, 15 June 2012

Rainy Blues?!...

I am not sure whether it is blues because of the rain or I am having a flare up of an ailment but today was declared a pyjama day where I have literally done nothing except the basic tidy around and just read lovely blogs all day :) I had quite a weekend you know which began around friday-ish the night before I did not sleep as I had found this swelling on my cats belly and he already has a metal leg due to a very nasty car accident so I very much keep an eye on this cat called Buddy. After about just 2 hours sleep that night due to worrying I phoned the emergency vet and raced down there for the appointment with my youngest daughter Lily in tow, we waited anxiously only to find out that the cat has just got podgy lately can you imagine the shame ha ha! the vet saw the funny side of it and so did I once I had caught up on lost sleep.

Anyway about these blues I was a bit worried today that my getting my house together was not happening as quick as I wanted I am not your usual very neat and tidy blogger here due too lots of children,a rabbit, a dog, the now four cats, numerous health problems and a bit (lot) of disorganisation on my part. I was a little down and dreary until a friend said to me today, you are a single parent of 6 with a zoo who can sew,knit,cook,crochet,paint, tile and wallpaper so I thought with a smile she is right and Rome was not built in a day and I have changed the once very ashamed of bathroom to the I love the bathroom :) and I tiled the floor myself even solved the dreaded cistern part with confidence so bye bye blues and hello self sufficiency.

 There is the charming cat in question who decided he wanted to get in the camera act I am almost certain he is grinning at me like the spoilt cat he is.I am loving them spotty towels I picked up from Primark yesterday.

 I do love to have a nice toilet roll for the weekend we have plain white all week but on a Friday I have started this happy bog roll theme it keeps the kids amused anyway :)
 Ideally I would love to live in a cottagey beach house but unfortunately it's smoggy London for us but hey ho we can have a bit of beach in our bathroom.
 Another beachy happiness for our new bathroom.
 I love these storage baskets to keep all our potions out of sight and mind and that's it really I may have not done much but one room is finished so not so bad one room done and five more to go ..... now I will stop feeling guilty and blue and go grab those crochet needles.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Little seeds

A little late I know most of these seeds should have been in by April but I have planted them all the same and now I have the wait and the excitement of watching them grow. I am waiting with anticipation on my sweetcorn, french beans,chilli peppers,rocket,lettuce, tomatoes, squash, various herbs, cucumber, courgette and not forgetting baby corn too :)

I am really trying hard to be a little more self sufficient this year and get a more homemade home feel.  I really need to get some strawberry plants this weekend so I can make some lovely strawberry jam or at least pack the kids in the car and go strawberry picking.

A little project I am working on at the moment...

I am crocheting a billion (it seems) heart squares for a bed throw for my youngest daughter and I am almost certain when my oldest sees it she will want one too.

Anyway must get on with some housework as the children are on half term which = a very messy home :(

Love LBF x

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The beginning......

Where do I start and where do I finish? I have set up blogs before but never seem to get past the first few months before it lays neglected like my freedom that I have never had over the years bringing up a young family and a few little furry animals. I am not complaining as I have loved my little busy (hectic) life but you know over the past few months as my little children have turned into bigger children I have had this unusual occurrence in my life...... A little bit of breathing space...yep a little old ME time so I have decided to dust off my sewing machines, reunite with my crochet and knitting needles and get cooking and have a little fun blogging on the way.

I have brought up six children of whom I am a very proud Mum, I have a bichon frise dog, a lop eared rabbit,two cats and a kitten. My children range from the ages of ten to twenty. I love all sorts of craft. My house is in need of decorating with all the wear and tear of us lot but I am getting there and I have even put a table in my bedroom to fit my sewing machines etc... and created a little work space so I can make our place a lot more cosy.

Looking forward to blogging and reading blogs, Love LBF x